Data Modeler
RConsulting Group
Full time
United States
Hiring from: United States
Erwin Studio, Metadata management, attributes, Data Vault, data structures, release management,
Title: Data Modeler
Location: 100% Remote (Prefer local to Houston, TX)
Duration: 6 to 12 months (possibility of converting, but can be contract too)
LinkedIn and References must
3-5 years of experience
Knowledge of O&G
Experience with Erwin Studio while integrating with various Glossary and Metadata management.
Establishing standards, defaults and processes for data structures, attributes, and release management.
Responsible in creation of data model in support of new data platform.
Strong knowledge of data structure and relationships in O&G.
Knowledge of Data Vault (DV2.0)
Resource Consultings Services Inc| Parsippany, NJ
Office :: +1 (201) 623-9365 Ext-429
Email: a[email protected]
Erwin Studio, Metadata management, attributes, Data Vault, data structures, release management,
Title: Data Modeler
Location: 100% Remote (Prefer local to Houston, TX)
Duration: 6 to 12 months (possibility of converting, but can be contract too)
LinkedIn and References must
3-5 years of experience
Knowledge of O&G
Experience with Erwin Studio while integrating with various Glossary and Metadata management.
Establishing standards, defaults and processes for data structures, attributes, and release management.
Responsible in creation of data model in support of new data platform.
Strong knowledge of data structure and relationships in O&G.
Knowledge of Data Vault (DV2.0)
Resource Consultings Services Inc| Parsippany, NJ
Office :: +1 (201) 623-9365 Ext-429
Email: a[email protected]
How to apply
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